Need Help? With 211 you can get connected and get answers.
United Way of Southern Kentucky launched a new initiative in 2016. Southern Kentucky 211 is a free and confidential service that provides targeted referrals for people in need. If you are in need, dial 211 and get connected with organizations that can help you with food, shelter, paying bills, healthcare and tax help.

Targeting your audience with an effective PSA Campaign
211 PSA “Need Help?“
The content for this video was shot in the 211 call center located at United Way of Southern Kentucky in Bowling Green. The room size created some challenges but we got creative with subject placement.

It’s interesting how handy a couple of boxes can be on set. This setup was so much easier than moving furniture around. We used a few stock video clips in this project to keep the cost down for United Way. Overall, everyone involved was pleased with the final product which can be seen below.
211 PSA “Reach Out”
The concept we came up with for the 2nd PSA was a little more outside the box. We wanted a central figure to relay a powerful message to the viewer. This approach would catch your attention because of how simply it was executed. Our casting call landed us with an amazing young actor. Braeden was the perfect for the part. His passionate delivery of our message came across exactly how we wanted it to. This was his first time acting for television and it won’t be his last.

We filmed in a local neighborhood on a beautiful summer day. Filming in the early afternoon required some diffusion. The final product is one of our favorite PSAs we’ve produced.