United Way

Is Your Child Ready?

50% of local children aren’t ready for kindergarten on day one. Beginning the education process unprepared is a big problem in the state of Kentucky. United Way wants to put parents worries to rest with the “Kindergarten Readiness” initiative. They created four easy ways you can make sure your child is ready on day one.

  1. Read
  2. Play
  3. Count
  4. Log-Off

United Way developed a webpage dedicated to information and activities, that are geared towards preparing your child for kindergarten. ismychildready.com is now live and available to help parents learn how to prevent their child from starting school behind others their age. It is an excellent resource for all parents to use.

United Way of Southern Kentucky “Is My Child Ready” PSA Campaign

Sublime Media Group was approached by United Way of Southern Kentucky to produce a local PSA campaign for the “Kindergarten Readiness” initiative. Most of the creative team at Sublime Media Group have small children, so this movement was an easy one for our company to get behind.

United Way of Southern Kentucky requested two Public Service Announcements to run on WBKO Television in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Log-Off PSA

The first PSA was to focus on the Log-Off message, because of the importance of this topic. Unlimited screen time can be very harmful for a developing child. Avoid behavior and attention problems by limiting your child’s exposure to screen time. As a family, you should log-off and spend more time talking, playing and learning, together.

We wanted to create a powerful PSA for this topic that most adults with children could relate to. It’s easy to immerse yourself in technology. Reserving more time for family interaction and offering activities that encourage creativity and socialization will help to establish the ground rules for screen time regulation and promote a child’s healthy development. Our goal was to help parents realize the importance of logging off.

Production Notes

We are very happy with the final Log-Off video. The wonderful family Sublime Media Group got to work with did an exceptional job. It was their first time being on a video production shoot but they followed direction like seasoned actors. This video was filmed in a Wendy’s restaurant in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Let’s Count Together

With a budget for two PSAs, United Way of Southern Kentucky decided to focus on the “Let’s Count Together” message for the 2nd video. This initiative focuses on the importance of strong math and number skills. The United Way “Is My Child Ready?” Website has a variety of information and activities about teaching your kids number skills.

Sublime Media Group worked with United Way of Southern Kentucky on creating a video script to support the “Let’s Count Together” message. We decided to show a mother and son playing a counting game in a car. This simple math game is one of many activities that can help better your child’s math and number skills.

Production Notes

The “Let’s Count Together” video was filmed in Bowling Green, Kentucky. For actors, we utilized the talents of two family members and they did an amazing job.

Effective Public Service Announcement Video Production

An effective Public Service Announcement can be difficult to produce. The message and timing is critical to a campaign’s ability to advocate for social change. We wanted local parents to be inspired by United Way’s message. Not depressed by their child’s lack of kindergarten readiness. We were also inspired by the United Way initiative and it was a big motivation for producing this project.

The United Way “Kindergarten Readiness” Campaign is an important initiative that can better the lives of thousands in our community. Sublime Media Group is glad to have been a small part of it.

Visit www.ismychildready.com for more information about United Way and the Kindergarten Readiness Campaign.

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